Book Your Party

Prince Arcades Party Package Information: $249.99
- Two Party areas to chose from
- 12 Entry Wristbands (Good for all day FREE PLAY/Arcade & Pinball)
- 2 Hours Reserved Party Tables for 12 People
- Table Coverings, Plates, Cutlery
- Clean up Fee
- Additional Guests are $20.00 Per Person
- Each guest inside the Arcade, two years & older are included in the headcount, Regardless of Play, as we are an admission based business.
Outside Food and Drinks are Welcome
Doggie Diner has provided an awesome custom catering menu for Parties at the Arcade.
Please call them directly. Click here to find their Menu and Number.
Private Parties / Work Functions / Outings
Field Trips / Summer Camps / Birthdays, etc.
Private Party Rental is available on the Days we are not open to the Public.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday
• Full Private Access to the Full Arcade
• Unlimited Guests
• Outside Food and Drinks are Permitted
$250.00 per hour (minimum 2 hour rental)
CALL TO RESERVE (630)378-1517

Get Your Daily Pass
$20 per person - ALL AGES